Browse Exhibits
1972 Mens Tennis Team
This exhibit will explore the 1972 Trinity University Men's tennis team. You will learn about the development of the team and players who eventually won the NCAA championship.
1989 Trinity Football
This report analyzes the 1989 football season at Trinity University, and reasons for the lack of success. I interview two individuals who were members of the team during the season. The report also looks into the troubling reality of CTE, and the effect that it has had on members of the team.
1993 Trinity Baseball Team: A Case Study of Merging Division III Athletics and Academics
In 1993, Trinty University was the only NCAA Division III school in the State of Texas. This case study will focus on the status of Division III athletics at Trinity and the impact it had on the competiveness of the 1993 Trinity Baseball team.
In 1993, Trinity University continued to maintain its prestigious academic reputation.
There was a process to undergo for Trinity to reach the top of the mountain in both athletics and academics. The early stages of Division III athletics at Trinity created struggles for members of the 1993 Baseball Team -- on the playing field and in the classroom.
A New Football Tradition - Early 1990's
This exhibit focuses on Steve Mohr and how he turned the Trinity football program around in the early to mid 1990's. As Coach Mohr steadily instilled a new tradition into Trinity's football program, he saw results in just three years.
A Tale of Dominance: Trinity Trap and Skeet
An overview of the Trinity Trap and Skeet team from the mid 70s to the early 80s
A Trail of Two Runners: The Trinity University Cross Country Origin Story
This exhibit will serve as a case study detailing the origin story of the Trinity University Cross Country program.
Ahead of the Curve: A Look into the Athletic Dormitory History of Trinity University
This exhibit explores the history of Trinity's athletic dormitories in the 1950s. Moreover, this exhibit contextualizes the 1991 NCAA Athletic Dorm Ban while highlighting the importance of Trinity's decision to disband the athletic dormitory thirty years prior as a reflection of the advantages of Division III athletics.
Butch Newman: A Local Legend
This exhibit visits the career of the local San Antonio legend Butch Newman during his days at Trinity University from 1961-1965.
Change in Trinity Tennis Athletes After Shift From Division 1 to Division 3
This exhibit is about the shift that the tennis program underwent from division 1 to division 3 in 1990. Specifically, the change in athletes and the effects of the change on the program as a whole. Moreover, this exhibit examines the emotions surrounding the crucial decision to switch from important former and current players and coaches in the tennis program.
Chuck McKinley: The Top-Ranked Student Athlete
This exhibit will highlight the ability that Trinity tennis superstar, Chuck McKinley, had to control his student-athlete lifestyle amidst a celebrity like status on Trinity’s campus and across the world. A control that was only possible through mastery of his own personal attributes. McKinley is the only collegiate athlete in the history of tennis to win Wimbledon while in college, and has several other eye-opening achievements while a student at Trinity University as well.
Clarence Mabry: A Tennis Legend
Clarence Mabry's coaching style and philosophy was one that was different than many coaches. During his time at Trinity he helped his players become international superstars and transformed the Trinity Tennis program from a small club with no courts, equipment or recruits into a national powerhouse. This exhibit will explore the reasons behind Mabry's success, and show how he impacted the tennis program and the University at this stage in history.
Coach Carla Spenkoch and Trinity Golf since 1997
This Exhibit is a spotlight on the Trinity University golf program, both men and women focusing on the found succeess under Carla Spenkoch from 1997-2005 for the Men's program and from 1997-2016 for the women's program.