Browse Exhibits

Trinity Tennis in the 1960s and 70s: A Historic American Sporting Dynasty

This page is going to serve to show the dominance of Trinity Tennis in the 1960s and 70s. This dominance came as the result of an extremely deep team. Though there were numerous superstars, the ability of every single member of the team to win big matches consistently was critical. This dynasty is comprable to many of the most historic American sporting dynasties, such as the current Alabama football squad, the New England Patriots, and more recent Golden State Warriors. This era was very impressive for a college tennis team, and this exhibit serves to show how impressive they were, and how depth of talent played the biggest role in this success.


TU Bowling: A Forgotten Legacy

While much is known about the long gone bowling alley in the gymnasium, there is very little attention on Trinity University's bowling history. The bowling alley was not quite frequented in its last moments but the students made great use of it during the seventies. This exhibit focuses on how bowling thrived on campus in the seventies through its strong bowling team and created an environment which allowed women to flourish as athletes. 
