
Murchison Tower is symbolic of Trinity University, indicative of the influence the universtiy holds over the area it can be seen from miles away.

Since 1869, Trinity Universtiy has been apart of the San Antonio community. Preaching prestige in a college education and success follwoing a degree, the universtiy has seen its fair share of students come and go on to live productive and affluent lives. However, not without the help of its influential alumni, helping students get jobs almost immediately after graduation. The culture of Trinity exudes glamour and family, allowing students ot access a network that helps them reach their highest potential. This all comes with a "but" though. 

There are some students who did not always feel so welcome here in Alamo Heights. Those students would include the African Americans who were not admitted to the university until the mid 1950s. The interesting thing is the first black students on this campus were in fact, athletes.