Suzy Gray

One girl who exemplified a Gamma that excelled in intramural sports was Suzy Gray. She belonged to the pledge class of 1980. She previously had experience in water sports. She was a competitive swimmer until she was 10 years old and also swam in high school. While Suzy also played varsity volleyball and basketball at Trinity, she felt like intramurals was where she truly belonged. She would even say she belonged to the “IM sorority” instead of Gammas. In other words, her true sisters were those who played intramurals with her. This may be because everyone played intamurals – it did not matter if you were good, according to Suzy. Her team was the ‘Fighting Pterodactyls,’ althought they nicknamed themselves the ‘Fighting Ts’. The typo was even on their team t-shirts! Suzy graduated in 1982. While she majored in Journalism, Broadcasting and Film, she eventually found her way back to sports, and currently works for San Antonio Sports.