
What did you enjoy about this project?

I enjoyed having to create a historical narrative and online musem about my own univeristy and football team that I was a part of. It was enjoyable to learn about something your invested in. 

What surprised you about this project?

The thing that surprised me most was how difficult it was to get interviews set up, and how different history is once you do proper research on it. 

What was the most challenging aspect of the project, and how did you manage it?

The most challenging aspect for me was geting interviews. To manage it I just sent out tons of emails to a lot of people in hopes that some may reply. sadly, I only got replies from a handful of people. 

If you could start over, what would you do differently?

If I could start over I would definitely get a jump on the interview process and be more proactive about it, it was difficult to handle that with other classwork as well. I would also maybe try to go dig deeper into the special collections at school to see what else there is to offer. 

What did you learn about history and/or the historical process through this project?

I think the most valuable thing I learned is that there are several sides to every historical story and that you have to do a lot of digging before coming up with your own story. Even then, your story may not be the entire truth and may not have all the facts, so history in a way is very much an ongonig process or study. 

What did you learn through this project that can be applied to life outside the classroom? 

I would say I learned how to A) look for information in a very fast and effective manor and B) I learned how to hold interviews with people a lot better by making it more fluid and natural of a conversation.