Greek Life at Trinity

The Triniteers face the Lancers in their annual football game.

Currently, twenty-five percent of Trinity’s student body have found their place on campus within a Greek Organization. These organizations provide students with opportunities to take on leadership roles, to network with Trinity alumni, to serve the San Antonio community, and of course, for socialization. Though there have been national fraternities that once existed on campus, current Greek Organization remain local organizations. This means they have no obligations to outside Greek Organizations and can focus their service efforts on the local community. This also allows Trinity to set its own code of ethics and by-laws so that each organization is in-line with the moral standards set out by the university. Some of these goals set out for Greek Life include strengthening the relationship across all members of the university, promoting alumni involvement, and developing an orientation system that promotes positivity and safety within the organization. Greek organizations are constantly seeking out ways to get involved on campus in the form of philanthropy events, special interest clubs, and participating in varsity and intramural sports.

Current Trinity fraternities include: Bengal Lancers, Chi Delta Tau, Iota Chi Rho, Kappa Kappa Delta, Omega Phi, Phi Sigma Chi, and the Triniteers.

Current Trinity sororities include: Alpha Chi Lambda, Chi Beta Epsilon, Gamma Chi Delta, Phi Delta Kappa, Sigma Theta Tau, SPURS, and Zeta Chi.