

Trinity Budget reports from 1972-1974


Athletic expenses for each women sport.


Trinity Athletic Budget Breakdown


     During the 1970’s through today, tennis was and still is the most popular sport, and during the 70’s and 80’s, Mrs. Finch told me that tennis held one shared account. This is important because since tennis had one shared account there was no way to measure the funding spent between men and women’s tennis. This was significantly interesting to me because there was no way to keep track of the spending which meant tennis could basically spend their money any way they want, and it would just be hearsay if they were not dividing their budget equally among men and women according to Title IX regulations. Since speaking with her I have conducted research and found evidence that could potentially hold her statements to be true. I found budgets from the department of athletics expenditure report from 1972-1976 and it was clear that tennis had the most expensive budget by far which affirmed what Mrs. Finch had discussed with me.Tennis had a significantly larger budget than the other sports and so did men's sports in general. Men’s sports had three times the budget that women’s sports did.