
What did you enjoy about this project?

- We enjoyed getting to communicate with administration, Buddy Pletz, and Dr. Morais about our progress. The project challened us to reach to people outside of Trinity in order to find more information. It was also enjoyable to work in a group setting and compare our findings. 

What surprised you about this project?

-It suprised our group that there wasn't already an in-depth history over Leeroy at Trinity University. A lot of different people knew bits and pieces, but the story in general was not complete. 

What was the most challenging aspect of the project, and how did you manage it?

-The most challeneging aspect was finding perople who were directly connected to Leeroy and had experienced him in person. Even with our Buddy Pletz interview, we were very lucky because he was the only surviving child of L.R. Pletz. We overcame this obstacle by finding people who weren't directly involved, but had been close to people who were. The Mirage and Trinitonian were also helpful.

If you could start over, what would you do differently?

-We wouldn't change much in our historical search, except that we would've met sooner as a group in order to make sure we were separating and completing different aspects of the project so were weren't overlapping in history content. 

What did you learn about history and/or the historical process through this project? What did you learn through this project that can be applied to life outside the classroom? 

-Through this historical process, we realized that a lot of a University's history can be forgotten and/or lost throughout the years with the changing in administration and student demographics. We were taught that history isn't always accurate in the eyes of one person and we must do other research to make sure all pieces are forming together consistently. We can apply these lessons to the outside world by using our skill of communication to form important connections and put more emphasis on the history we are making today in hopes that our timeline of events will be easier to find than Leeroy's.