
What did you enjoy about this project?

We enjoyed being able to collaborate with each other. We also enjoyed learning about someone who has done so much not only in the sphere of women's athletics here at Trinity University but on a national and global scale. Being able to talk to her was an amazing experience. 

What surprised you about this project?

We found it shocking to have her be invoved in so many things here at Trinity. We also were shocked to find so little records in the archives on the track team in general as Title IX had very much taken over the political sphere in the 1970s. 

What was the most challenging aspect of the project, and how did you manage it?

The most challenging aspect of this project was organizing and conducting the interview with Peggy Kokernot. She was on vacation when we sent the email and the time period in which we waited for a response was nervewracking. 

If you could start over, what would you do differently?

If we could start over, we would have contacted Peggy Kokernot much sooner. This way we would have had more time to get more information and potentially contact others. 

What did you learn about history and/or the historical process through this project?

We learned that history is not linear. One person can impact so many pther people's lives without knowing it. Not only was Peggy highly involved in the process of the creation of the track team at her university but she worked for women's rights nationally and even globally. 

What did you learn through this project that can be applied to life outside the classroom? 

We learned that it does not take a special person to change the course of history. If you work and stand for what you think is right, you will generally help at least one person. In Peggy Kokernot's case, she helped give hundreds and thousands of women find a voice when it comes to women's athletics.