Flickerball History


Triniteer Rocco DeSantis preparing to throw Football into the Flickerball net.

Flickerball was introduced to Trinity in 1974 according to the November 1st, 1974 issue of The Trinitonian. This game was unorthodox and served as a counter-sport to the orthodox sports at the time such as Football, Basketball, Basebal, and Soccer. This sport combined rules from Football, Basketball, Hockey, and Ultimate Frisbee. Even though this game seems to have been invented at this time, it actually has much older roots.

This game, according to the same issue of The Trinitonian, the sport has a history that dates back to 1948. The game was invented by Dr. H. E. Kenney and Dr. Armond H. Seidler (professors from the University of New Mexico) as a response to Football. This response sought to eliminate the injuries that were brought upon by Football. Besides curbing injuries, the sport was meant to put a greater emphasis on teamwork, passing, and speed/agility.

Flickerball History