Greeks and Flickerball

Flickerball was starting to become dominated by Greek teams.

Two Greek organizations, Omega Phi and Chi Delta Tau play in a Flickerball game.

Flickerball Final Standings in 1987.

Flickerball was able to bring forth many competitors among the male populous at Trinity. In a study done by Mihail et al, the need for males to compete in different sports is interesting. In this study, boys were inclined to play sports for “the wish of being popular, the wish of being the best, a champion, and the wish to compete” were the most prevalent motivations to play sports.[1] This is interesting because the majority of players that ended up playing Flickerball were members of fraternities.

[1] Motivation for Participating to Sports Competitions in School, Mihail et al.

Fraternities, and Greek Life in general, had their own leagues according to Doctor Brown. These leagues were very competitive because the glory of being the “best fraternity” was definitely at stake. The wish of being the best and a champion is definitely prevalent here. The competitions were always close and because of growing fraternity interest (as well as some independent interest) Flickerball became more popular of a sport at Trinity. Fraternities started to dominate the Flickerball scene, often playing against other fraternities, but also playing against some independent teams.

Greek teams started to play more in this new game of Flickerball. The Greek organizations that seemed to have consistently successful teams were the Bengal Lancers, Triniteers, Chi Delts, and O-Phis. These teams started to dominate the Flickerball scene and some of that can possibly be attributed to the fact that they were all fraternal organizations. The absolute domination of these fraternities shows the cohesion among the members of a brotherhood that may not be apparent in other teams.