
What did you enjoy about this project?

My favorite part of this project was uncovering Trinity's history. I was really excited how one piece of information opened the door to so many other things. Learning all about the history of athletics at the school I am an athlete at was very interesting and kept me drawn in and wanting to learn more.

What surprised you about this project?

I would not say much surprised me from this project. Learning about how segregated basketball was, was some what suprising but I have seen and heard things so it was not just out of the blue. I also think how influential Trinity was surprised me, because now we are just a small school that gets looked over a lot. The fact that nationally known people went here sparked me a little bit.

What was the most challenging aspect of the project, and how did you manage it?

Getting interviews was the most challenging part to me and I never really overcame this issue, but I worked around it. I was able to get another students interview with Jeffries from last year and I had to search a little deeper to find some of the information I wanted. I also missed out on a lot due to my inability to get an interview, which was disappointing. 

If you could start over, what would you do differently?

I would have started earlier. At times I felt kind of rushed just for the sake of a grade but I would like to dig deeper and take my time a little more.

What did you learn about history and/or the historical process through this project?

I learned that everything is connected through history. As I said before, each new piece of information I got uncovered so much more than just that one thing.

What did you learn through this project that can be applied to life outside the classroom?

I learned how deep history can go and everything that is in the present was affect by something or someone in the past. I never thought about how much history Trinity has, especially not in the Atheletics Department.