Field Hockey Interview with Ashley Wright

Being a current member of Gamma Chi Delta sorority, I sent out a message to the Gamma Chi Delta alumni group asking if any had participated in field hockey when it was a current IM sport on campus. I did not receive any replies from people who played on the IM Gamma team, however I interviewed Ashley Wright from the 2008 pledge class, who played field hockey in high school. She and I talked about her experience growing up playing field hockey in Tulsa, Oklahoma and the intensity that came with playing on varsity. Ashley was not aware that field hockey had ever existed on Trinity’s campus. She told me that within Gammas she knew multiple girls who had played competitively in high school and would have loved to continue that experience in college.

Ashley elaborated on how she talked with multiple girls not even in Gammas who would have loved to participate and often talked about the desire for a field hockey club. None of them needed a super serious commitment, but just something to bring the sport back into their lives. She believes the problem with field hockey is that it does not have a super strong presence in the South, especially Texas. Not many people know what it is and it can be an intimidating sport when looked at from an outsiders view for the first time. Ashley stated that she thinks it would be hard to establish as a sport because of all the intricate rules and materials needed to play properly. This could lead to an explanation of why field hockey only had a short run on campus and has still not returned.



Gamma Chi Delta Website

The current gamma chi delta website. 

Field Hockey Interview with Ashley Wright