Title IX Involvement

There could be a possible correlation between the passage of Title IX in 1972 and the beginning of field hockey in spring of 1972. When Title IX was passed it was to implement equality among sports involving women’s and men’s sports, as well as including all races and not discriminating (Title IX Rights).

Following the passage of Title IX an article was posted in the Trinitonian that talked about its effect on Trinity sports. The article stated that Trinity already gave fair and equal opportunity to IM sports for men and women (Trinitonian pg. 7, 1975). They tried to give equal funding to the IM programs, but obviously most of the athletic funding went towards the Division III teams. If people wanted to form a new IM team - women or men - they just had to make sure they had a large enough group to get a team started and the school would then grant them permission.

Regarding this involvement of Title IX at Trinity and the beginning of IM field hockey, it gives hope that the sport could have started with more momentum and energy than it ended with. There had to be enough people in order to start the sport in the first place, which leads to the inference that there was talk about field hockey on campus and a group was formed to bring it to Trinity. However, somewhere along the way field hockey lost this hold that it had with not only its players, but also with the Trinity community. It could have possibly had something to do with other sports being added to IM’s as well, due to the Title IX passage or just competition between people only picking to play one IM sport at a time.