Introduction to the Sport of Cross Country

Cross Country Running:

The sport of cross country involves a team of runners competing in long distance races across courses consisting of various terrain. Running is an activity that requires very little equipment and can be enjoyed by individuals going out solo or meeting up with training partners for a group run. While it seems that cross country is relatively easy for runners to enjoy, the same is not always true for the fans of the sport. Cross country courses are not always in the most spectator-friendly places and fans usually end up getting in some exercise of their own if they want to cheer for the runners in multiple places throughout the race. With this in mind, it can be argued that cross country is not a spectacle sport that gains popularity by attracting large crowds, filling stadiums, or bringing in revenue. In fact, cross country is likely the least spectator friendly sport of all NCAA sports (Havitz & Zemper, 2013). Yet, despite this fact, many college athletic departments have competitive cross country programs on the list of varsity sports sponsored by their institution. 

The Question:

What factors influence the decision for institutions to choose to establish varsity cross country programs?

The Current Case Study:

In the case of Trinity University, a NCAA Division III school, this question can be answered by a single question asked in 1984 by a sophomore student named David Apel, “Is there any way we can get cross country as a bigger thing?” (Apel, personal interview).

Introduction to the Sport of Cross Country