
What did you enjoy about this project?

I enjoyed learning about the history of a team that I was a part of during my time at Trinity. It was fun to discover old memories and see how the program has changed over the years.

What surprised you about this project?

I was surprised to learn how much involvement students had in the process of creating a varsity sports team. It was really cool to see how two students could leave a greater legacy behind them after graduating from Trinity.

What was the most challenging aspect of the project, and how did you manage it?

The most challenging part of this project was figuring out how I wanted to tell this specific story in the larger historical context. My first approach was to figure out how I wanted to organize the details from my primary sources. Then I talked through my ideas with Dr. Morais and Professor Graf to get help finding the most fitting historical setting for my story.

If you could start over, what would you do differently?

If I could start over, I would plan to start my search for primary sources in the Trinity University Special Collections earlier on in the process. Due to unforseen circumstances this semester I was unable to utilize those resources like I had planned. 

What did you learn about history and/or the historical process through this project?

I have a greater appreciation for the historical process after completing this project. You never know where you might find important pieces of history. The historical process is like putting pieces of a puzzle together to tell an engaging story.

What did you learn through this project that can be applied to life outside the classroom?

For me, the process of completing this project emphasized the importance of establishing personal connections. The Trinity University Cross Country team was formed thanks to the work done by two individuals. I was the first person to reach out to these two Trinity alumni and with their help I was able to share their story. History is about people and life is about building personal relationships.