Hiring of Paul McGinlay


Head Track and Field Coach

     By hiring McGinlay he has furthered the importance of physical education and fitness by coaching and being involved in PE classes at Trinity over the years. When he signed his contract it said “Head Men’s Soccer coach with responsibilities in Track and Field” (McGinlay, 2017). But he discussed how this was difficult for him because the prime time to recruit for soccer is in the spring, so after a few years he became the admissions liaison for all sports, which he still does today. Admissions is his second responsibility instead of teaching courses or coaching another sport.

     This change showed the importance of his recruiting and building his program. McGinlay said his responsibilities are “coaching the team, identification of player talent, being the face of the program, and the team’s recruiting” (McGinlay, 2017). Coach mentioned the reason he does all the recruiting is because he wants the best players and wants to be the one making the decision about talent and being responsible about the player’s talent.


Hiring of Paul McGinlay