McGinlay's Stance

     Coach McGinlay's happiness comes from the success of his players. McGinlay said “at any point I don’t become relevant anymore to 18-22 year old kids and don’t enjoy going out every day to practice” is when he would retire (McGinlay 2017). But he wants to continue helping with alumni relations or development once his coaching career is over, which shows he is a major advocate of paying it forward in any way he can.

     It is important to note that McGinlay seems to be a task oriented coach rather than an ego oriented coach based on his stance of when he will retire alone. At Bowling Green State University, three students wrote about the effects of a coach’s task or ego oriented mentality on hockey athletes, which applies to McGinlay and the men’s program. The students said “an individual that is task-oriented defines success and evaluates performance based on task mastery, development of skills, gaining knowledge, exerting maximum effort, and achieving the best performance” (Harrington, 2017, 58).  McGinlay’s demonstration of being task oriented is evident in all of the areas mentioned by those three students, which also helps foster the high quality of performance and achievements in his program.