South Campus Renovation

Title: South Campus project nears completion. 1990, August 21. The Trinitonian. 

The ways Potter attempted to make Trinity the best it could be are still seen today. Potter was instrumental in the South Campus Renovation which enhanced the active life of Trinity’s campus. It is hard to imagine what Trinity would be like without an intramural field, a softball field, outdoor basketball courts, sand volleyball courts and other athletic facilities. Jim Potter had a huge role in creating these outdoor facilities. Students at the time were quoted saying that Potter was “instrumental in the development” (IM Staff, 1990). When I asked Potter what he was most excited about for the south campus renovation he said “the intramural field, because it gave intramurals somewhere to play and be active” (Personal Interview, 2018). This past September, almost fifty years later, this same intramural field that Potter helped develop was officially named the Jim Potter Intramural Field.