Wrapping it Up


Title: Gamma Chi Delta Intramurals 2019, a photo of Gamma Chi Delta after winning the 2019 women's basketball championship. Source: Kristen Harrison. Date: 2019, February 28.

The foundations of both Greek life and intramurals are co-dependent on one another due to the similarities in perceived outcomes. At Trinity, both intramurals and Greek life have historically been one of the most popular ways to get involved on campus. Time hasn't altered the popularity of these events. Both fraternities and sororities still heavily participate in intramural sports and often win many of the leagues. This year alone, Gamma Chi Delta has won three different intramural championships. Intramurals and Greek life will continue to thrive together at Trinity due to the tight-knit campus community and similar benefits that emerge as a result of both extracurriculars.