Trinity Intramural History

Title: 'Coach' Jim Potter, director of Intramural's from 1967 to 2000, revived Trinity's intramural program. Source: The Trinitonian. June 5, 2017.

While it’s clear to see how successful the intramural department is now, intramural sports has not always thrived in its time at Trinity. The organization merely existed on campus due a decline in participation, lack of organization, and an overall lack of funding until Jim Potter was hired as the new intramural sports director in 1965. With additional funding, student volunteers, coaches, and organizers, Potter was able to breathe life back into the recreational sports program. After a few years of restructuring and refinancing, intramurals was on the rise heading into the 1970s and 1980s, which set the stage for different organizations to increase their level of participation.

Potter was a favorite amongst the Trinity community. Tracy Smith, a student who worked closely with Potter in 1983, spoke very highly of her experience in the intramural office. "Working with Coach Potter was great. He was the kind of supervisor, in many ways, that I try to emulate. He left a large imprint on me," Smith explained. 

Trinity Intramural History