Kirby Oliver-Grantz

Title: Kirby Oliver-Grantz, a member of one of Gamma Chi Delta's intramural teams. The Mirage. Date: 1981, May. 

Kirby Oliver-Grantz joined Gamma Chi Delta in 1981. As a former gymnast from Chicago, she made the move to San Antonio to attend Trinity because she wanted to escape the cold weather. Oliver recalls looking at different colleges and universities and specifically targetting Trinity because of the popularity of intramural sports. She got into intramurals after running the Turkey Trot, a 5k race established by Jim Potter. After winning a frozen turkey (that was the prize), she was hooked to the competition. She joined Gamma Chi Delta and started participating in a bunch of different intramural sports, such as water polo, innertube water polo, football, and racquetball. When looking back on her time at Trinity, Oliver speaks very highly of the intramural program. "The IM program at Trinity kept fitness and athletics in my life, and its blossomed into something even greater," she explains. Oliver now runs marathons because of her experience at the Turkey Trot, showing the longevity of the impact that her intramural experience had on her. She also said intramurals enriched her time in Greek life. "Intramurals allowed me to know my sorority sisters in a deeper way. We bonded in ways that you can't do in other activities," Oliver says.