
1. What did you enjoy about this project?

I enjoyed learning about the different players who played on the 1969 team, especially Larry Jeffries because he was so successful. It was interesting to see the contrasts between the basketball program back then and now. Being a member of the basketball team, it was super insightful to see the different levels the program has been at throughout history. 

2. What surprised you about this project?

I was surprised that there was not more information about the team in Trinity's hall of fame or athletic archives. It would make sense to me that one of the best teams in school history would have a prominent place in the marketing of Trinity athletics, even if it was 50 years ago. 

3. What was the most challenging aspect of the project, and how did you manage it?

The most challenging aspect of the project was securing interviews. I tried very hard to contact some of the players, but was never able to get a response. I managed this by instead meeting with the Trinity sports historian, James Hill. Mr. Hill was extremely insightful and helpful. 

4. If you could start over, what would you do differently?

If I could start over, I would probably research the whole era of Trinity men's basketballl under coach Bob Polk, instead of just the 1968-69 season. It would have been interesting to see the perpetual rise to prominence for the program. 

5. What did you learn about history and/or the historical process through this project?

I learned that the historical process is heavily influenced by who is reporting the history. Everyone has a bias or lean on most topics, so everyone naturally puts their own spin on things. It is important to try to sift through the bias and find the most accurate information. 

6. What did you learn through this project that can be applied to life outside the classroom?

I learned that anything can be achieved through persistence. It was initially hard to find the information that I wanted, but I was able to persist and find what I need to complete the project.