Team Overview

Pictured above is the 1972 Trinity University Men's Tennis Team

After nearly 30 years Trinity University had not won a tennis championship. This all changed in 1972 when Trinity had what was one of the most dominant tennis teams in the history of college tennis going undefeated and knocking out UCLA and USC for the first time in 13 years. The ability for players to come together as one and work together to make each other better is a direct depiction of the 1972 tennis team. The team was made up of an assortment of exceptional talent. The team didn’t just rely on one star player; rather there were five star players to boast. The depth of this team could be one of the biggest reasons as to why they were so successful. Overall, with the help of extremely talented players, a great coach, perfect team chemistry, and hours of hard work, the 1972 Trinity Men’s Tennis Team helped pave the way for an extremely successful tennis program for years and years to come leading all the way up to the present day.

Team Overview