Reflection Page

What did you enjoy abou this project?

I enjoyed a few things about this project. First and foremost I really liked the fact that we had to go out and get interviews in order to have sufficient information. I have never conducted an interview before and I feel like this is a good area for me to grow in, especially sports interviews. Furthermore, i really enjoyed the fact that we got to research something about our school. It made the project a lot more fun as well as enticing since it was much more relevant to me.  


What suprised you about this project?

I was most suprised about how limited information was in the sense that most of my research came from newspaper articles, The Trinitonian, and The Mirage. I defiantly thought that I would be able to find out everyhting i needed to know about the 1972 tennis team just by typing it into google. It turns out that most historical data came from newspaper archives. 


What was the most challenging aspect of this project and how did you manage it?

 The most challenging aspect of this project was figuring out what to focus on since the 1972 tennis team is a very broad topic. I decided that the most important aspects would be to focus on a few key players, the teams overall success, and the teams personality. Another problem i ran into is that my interview ended up not recording when i thought it was so i was unable to put the interview up on the website. However, i did take notes during the interview so i sill had solid data from the interview. 


If you could start over, what would you do differently?

If i could start over, i would have conducted my interview with Dick Stockton right off the bat in order to get a better overall idea of what i needed to be researching. Furthermore, i would have conducted more interviews with other players just to make my narrative more authentic.   


What did you learn about history and/or the historical process through this project?

 I learned that the historical process goes far beyond just the researching aspect. I learned that in order to fully understand history, you must be able to envision history in your own eyes and then tell a story about it. I also learned that being able to narrate your research into a story can make reading about history much more entertaining.   


What did you learn through this project that can be applied to life outside the classroom?

I got to conduct an interview on a former pro tennis player which was a good experience for me. I think gettting better at conducting interviews can defiantly be applied to life outside the classroom especially for the sort of thing i'm interested in. 

Reflection Page