
Tobacco products offer a grim life. Smokeless tobacco contains up to 3,000 chemicals, many of which are detrimental to one’s health and can hinder athletic performance; 28 of these chemicals were discovered to be cancer-causing. Additionally, dip and chew contain nicotine that leaves people dependent, craving for more. Holding a pinch of dip in your mouth for 30 minutes delivers as much nicotine as smoking four cigarettes. ( It is the sad truth, but multitudes are aware of what tobacco does to your body, yet they are unable to muster the strength to quit. Unfortunately, quitting cold turkey is not feasible in many cases due to the strength of the withdrawals to the nicotine. Withdrawals from dip include; dip dreams leaving the smell or taste of dip in one’s nose or mouth; sores in your mouth since one’s body is not used to not receiving nicotine; sleep deprivation until the body is used to being without nicotine; a dizzying fog that impedes you from thinking straight and makes your head hurt; a sore throat; anxiety; constipation; and depression. (