Current Melding of Athletics and Academics

Trinity University continues to be identified as a very prestigious academic school, routinely ranked as one of the top schools in the Nation.   Trinity University is also revered as an elite school for athletics, with National Title contenders in almost every sport. 

King is very optimistic about the state of Trinity Athletics today.  The baseball program winning the Division III National Championship in 2016 directly supports his optimism. He claimed, “Trinity brings in talented athletes that also have an unmatched desire to further their education.” (Interview with Dr. King, 2017)

Dr. King arrived at Trinity with its reputation as primarily an academic school with an inconsistent athletics program outside of tennis, but he has helped to turn every athletics program into a perennial contender.  With the consistent winning, Trinity has developed a culture that allows it to be successful year in and year out because a lot of good athletes come here to continue their playing careers in addition to getting an amazing education.  

Current Melding of Athletics and Academics