Interviews with Stephen Bega and Dr. Bob King

I initially discussed the project with Stephen Bega (“Bega”), who played baseball at Trinity from 1993-1996.  He suggested I look into doing research from when he played here and when Trinity was the only Division III program in Texas.              

I began the research on my project by interviewing Bega.  He had a solid memory of the team and the time period.  He spoke about how different Trinity Baseball was at the time.  

The second interview I conducted was with the current Athletic Director of Trinity, Bob King (“King”).  King is an extremely relevant person to interview on this topic because he was also at Trinity University in 1993, and can recall the specific issues discussed and differences between then and now.  He was very involved in changing the culture of athletics at Trinity and could identify with some of the issues Bega also experienced.

Pictured First: Bob King

Pictured Second: Stephen Bega

The interveiew with Stephen Bega is attached as well